The Pleasure of Pain by: Shameek A. Speight

The Pleasure of Pain - Shameek Speight

The Pleasure of Pain  

I really don't know where to start.  I'm not sure if I ever stated that I really don't read books about the drug game, it's not that I don't like them, I'm just not interested in them, but I'm branching out some and I have a few in my lineup to be read.

 I have this novel in a Kindle format, and as an audiobook, from First the Kindle version, which I purchased on Sept. 10, 2012. I mentioned my purchased date because I have seen that this title now shows an update published date of: May 14, 2014. The reason why I'm pointing out the publication date is because the version, which I purchased back in 2012 was poorly formatted. This was why it took me some time to complete it. Once I learned there were an audio version of the novel, I ventured in once more. Ebooks are supposed to read just the same as its printed version, so they should look similar, even if they are not by their nature. -There should be no space between paragraphs, margins should be set properly and so on, and so on. This was not the case with this novel (he is far from alone with this problem, even I screwed it up first uploaded version, and haven't corrected it yet, but this isn't about me). So I hope the revised version cleaned up the mishaps and produced a better reading product.

There were many editing errors found throughout the novel. The audio version from, narrated by: Mr. Gates, length: 3 hrs and 46 min., format: Unabridged, offered some help, but even with the audio version you can hear the errors, and formatting mistakes through the narration.  
I heard a lot about this book and about the author, Shameek Speight, so I decided to download the book and see what all the fuss was about. I hate to say, I didn't see it. I won't take nothing away from the author. This man is selling more books than I am, but I just could not find what the rave was all about, which makes not question the author, I'm questioning the readers. Yeah think about that for a second. I know pretty covers will draw you in, and this 'Pleasure Series' covers are top notch.

The story moved fast, damn near too fast, which I think if the author would have eased up off the gas, the characters would have been better developed. The back story on the characters didn't really tell me who they were and why I should care for them. The character Bless was defined well, and I understood him. I got the story on the four ladies but there wasn't enough information there for to me develop a relationship with them, or to even care for them, and they really undergo some shit in this novel, but without a well defined back story it can weaken the development of the character and that is what happen here.

Now if you like action, and drama, this novel has it. If you like erotica, there is a whole lot of f**king going on between these pages, almost too much, but its not erotica, its porn, so if you're young, put the book down and back away.

The novel was very predicable, if you're a mystery solver, you won't have any problems figuring out who betrayed the crew, and you won't have a problem figuring out who was going to die and who wasn't.  Even thought I knew what was going to happen at the end of the novel, damn did I enjoy reading it! -I love action and drama and it played out like a movie in my head, and I liked that.

I have part two of the series, "The Pleasure of Pain 2" in my Kindle ebook collection already and I will read it, as well as part 3. I hope I will be able to deliver a better review. This novel I give 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars.
